The Florin Buddhist Women’s Association is part of the Northern California District Buddhist Women’s Association. The Buddhist Women’s Association is the women’s organization of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha temples worldwide.  The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations (FBWA) is a member of the World Federation of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist Women’s Associations.

BWA Membership

You need not be a church member to become a BWA member.
To become a BWA member or renew your membership, Click to download the BWA membership form. Fill out the form and mail the form and your check to:

Buddhist Church of Florin
P.O. Box 292006
Sacramento, CA 95829

Our mission is to promote the teachings of Jodo Shinshu as taught by Shinran Shonin.  The Florin BWA is one of the integral parts of the temple as it promotes the betterment and support of the Buddhist Churches of America, the Federation of BWA, our temple, members, and community.

The Florin Fujinkai was established in 1918 and continued until World War II. Upon return from WWII internment camps, the Fujinkai reorganized.  It continues today as Florin BWA and is a strong organization practicing the Buddhist way of life.

To honor the women responsible for the formation and continuance of the BWA, special memorial services are held throughout the year including Ladies Ohtani, Eshinni and Kakushinni, Lady Takeko Kujo, and past members.

Our many activities include participation in monthly dana projects, monthly crafts & socials, day trips and outings and hold fundraisers including mini boutiques of hand-crafted items. We participate and have hosted meetings, workshops, and conferences to promote and spread the Buddha-Dharma.

If you would like to learn more about our BWA, contact us by calling the church or emailing

BWA Summer Camp 2024

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The Early Days

In March 1918, a small group of Isseis became an independent organization under the official banner of the Florin Buddhist Church. The first official President of the newly organized Florin Buddhist Church was Shozaburo Maruki. The first resident minister, Reverend Kakudo Sugiyama, arrived at the Florin Buddhist Church on October 20, 1918. The initial place of worship was at Mr. Tokusaburo Noda’s private business establishment. After three months at Florin, Reverend Sugiyama returned to Japan due to the death of his father.
On February 15, 1919, Reverend Tetsuyu Hachisu became the second resident minister. The church cabinet purchased land to construct the church under the title of the Florin Investment Company and officially registered in the County of Sacramento on February 20, 1919. On September 19, 1919, the Florin Buddhist Church was officially recognized as an incorporated organization. On November 3, 1919, construction began on the church.

Florin Fujinki (BWA) History

The Fujinkai was organized in March 1919 to render support after the completion of the church construction. Tsuru Miyamoto was the first Fujinkai President. She was the first mid-wife in Florin but later returned to Japan.
A “New Church Dedication Service” was held in March, 1920, with the dedication of the new altar which was donated by the Fujinkai.

New Church Dedication, March 21, 1920

Photo Gallery

The 100-Year Anniversary Celebration
Buddhist Church of Florin
1919 – 2019

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BCF anniversary tiles
BCF anniversary tile 2019
100 yr memorial chair 2019
BCF 100th anniversary memorial chairs
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BCF anniversary tile 2019
100 yr memorial chair 2019
BCF 100th anniversary memorial chairs
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